Lawrence Harmer, founder of creative digital marketing agency Solve Web Media – was supported by our Future Focus programme to innovate and grow his business.
This article was originally posted on the Unlocking Potential site.
Having recently announced their 20th anniversary with the launch of a new website, new office and four new team members, we caught up with Lawrence to hear how reaching this milestone year has encouraged a phase of reflection and growth within this well-established Cornish business.
Lawrence was among the hand-picked group of super creative business leaders from across Cornwall that we took to the Creative Industries Lab trip at the International Business Festival in Liverpool earlier this year. As part of the event, businesses had the opportunity to listen and engage in some of the big discussions around creativity that are impacting us today.
He said, “It was really amazing spending time with other industry experts and I believe the trip has been instrumental in shaping the future of my business.”
Having been particularly inspired by Dan Ryan from the Eden Project who spoke about how spending time in nature can unlock the creative process, Lawrence has since been on many mini-wilderness-solos exploring the cliffs and paddle-boarding around the coastline, in order to break his digital connection, commenting,
“My work has benefited too, as I’ve recharged my batteries for my next projects while also re-fuelling my soul.”
Lawrence also recalled Matt Hocking from Leap for introducing the importance of businesses being sustainable and responsible, at our Future Focus event. As a result, Solve Web Media is currently looking into how to become a Certified B Corp; meeting the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.
“The Future Focus event really inspired me to grow the business by downing tools and looking at my own business from the inside out. Realising the importance of trace-ability and accountability in all we do is shaping the way I drive my business forward.”
Since the event, an occupational therapist has visited their office to make sure all staff are positioned properly and shifted all of the main servers onto renewable energy sources, the office is now solar-powered and he actively encourages his staff to enjoy outside activities to increase creativity and productivity! Since the event, Lawrence has re-evaluated the purpose of his business and in doing so, it inspired the change he needed to develop and supercharge what he does. He has since employed more people and credits the Future Focus event for the inspiration.
Solve Web Media started in 1998 and in that time has helped over 250 businesses across Europe to flourish and exceed their business objectives. In direct contrast to its humble beginnings as a “one-man-start-up”, the company now employs 11 team members at its new office on the Atlantic Highway in North Cornwall. Employing a cherry-picked team of Cornwall’s top creative marketing experts, Solve Web Media harnesses a complete spectrum of skill sets to deliver an integrated solution to website creation and digital marketing.
With a transparent and honest approach, Lawrence explains how he has carefully crafted the business to have an ethos he is proud of. “I feel it is of utmost importance to have an approachable point of contact, dealing with real people and closing the gap between the online and everyday world. Our websites are built to increase a company’s business and revenue. The runaway success of Solve Web Media is built on the success we bring our clients and 90% of our business comes from recommendation”.
Our Future Focus Labs not only give you access to unique events and mentoring, but also the potential to access funding for equipment, collaboration projects or academic research to innovate in your business.
You can read more about our Future Focus programme and see what Labs are coming up. If you want to find out what our support could do for your business, register your interest here.
Email hello@unlocking-potential.co.uk
Or call 0845 600 3660
Awesome stuff to read. Thanks Lawrence
Cheers Manoj!