We are so proud that with the help of our incredible team we have managed to pull through this very difficult year and been able to not only survive but also help many other businesses to do the same. We have turned inventors and creators and helped businesses to start fresh and real people to still create income for their families. Our heart goes out to everyone who has suffered this year and we wish you all a bright and positive 2021.
Welcomes and Goodbyes
This year we have said goodbye to our much loved Jack & Dave, who went off to pursue their dreams. We are all for living the dream, so we wish them all the love and luck in the world & look forward to our paths crossing again. We have also welcomed two new team members, who have both fitted in beautifully and are already invaluable members of the Solve family. Welcome, Mia and Ches. It’s a pleasure to have you both on board!

Home offices and naked bike rides
Our team has worked tirelessly from sweltering hot conservatories to growing giant sunflowers in lunch breaks. Lawrence went back to the humble beginnings, enjoying the original shedquaters where he was only once disturbed by a naked 4-year-old climbing on the exercise bike in the background (during a rather important zoom meeting).

Solve loves to help
The world’s focus has shifted. Many of us have had a chance to review our life and business choices. Some of us have endured hardship, others have battled through this year seemingly unscathed. It has been a year for compassion and besides all the obvious web stuff, this is what we are good at.
We jumped at the chance to help our local communities by volunteering our time and expertise to the Virtual Food Festival, helping local farmers sell their produce and creating new ways of generating income. Over £3420 of financial proceeds have been donated to charities such as St Petrock’s homeless charity and the National Emergencies Trust.

We spent hundreds of hours giving out free advice to our clients, helping to come up with ideas of how to adjust to this new economic climate. We have dried many virtual tears and we are excited about the many new opportunities we have helped to create.
Next on the list is a new website and services for the CPR foodbank. Touched by the extreme poverty on our doorstep highlighted on the BBC’s Cornwall with Simon Reeves (Watch 21:05), we will do what we are good at and give those heroes the online presence they need!
All this whilst continuously growing the forest of Solve and even using a temporary ease in lockdown rules to get muddy and plant a little orchard of our own. The St Eval community land project is now housing our cornish bred apple and plum trees for all to enjoy.

We are of course continuing to support surfers against sewage. Even pandemics don’t give the ocean a break and if we take one thing from this year, it’s that we should keep mother earth happy! The joy and sanity we have been able to gain from our precious outdoors have been glorious and many of us have been able to reconnect with nature.
We are a B-Corporation
We are extremely proud to have received the prestigious B-Corp status this year. As the first Web / SEO agency in Cornwall to receive this certification, we are making our promises official. We are here to help you succeed, whilst looking after our planet and the fantastic Team!
New Office
Exciting changes are about to take place, as we will be welcoming our Team, partners and clients to our new light and airy office in the super brilliant development of Nansleden in 2021. If we could have a made to measure village to work from, it would be just this! Nansleden is a masterpiece of creation, fully aligned with the values we stand for. We can’t wait to enjoy a new normal & hope to see you all soon!

We can also deliver babies
And if all this wasn’t exciting enough, Lawrence and Nadine welcomed their newest little man-cub into the world. In true 2020 style, Phoenix arrived during lockdown at lighting speed in front of the oven. Guided into the world by none other than his daddy, Phoenix has proven that unexpected challenges reward you with the biggest feeling of pride when you master them! We couldn’t be happier and if we’re honest, more tired.

Wishing you lots of love, peace, happiness, health and success!